Müller: [S]ex-Synod Was about Homosex, Not About Faith

Müller: [S]ex-Synod Was about Homosex, Not About Faith

When Francis invited lay people to participate in the [s]ex-synod, he changed its nature, Cardinal Müller told LaNuovaBq.it (November 2), “You cannot give episcopal authority to someone who is not a bishop.”

Müller said that homosexualists set themselves up as the "true interpreters" of the Word of God, "but they convey a perverse, false anthropology” and want to "destroy" the family and marriage.

The [s]ex synod didn't talk about essential themes of the Faith, Müller noticed, but there were “many speeches on homosexuality, and all one-sided.”

He wonders about the selection of the participants of the [s]ex-synod, “Why weren't people invited who were practising homosexuals and then rediscovered their heterosexuality?”

Müller cites the example of James Martin who “was only there to spread propaganda” and "never" spoke of grace and salvation for homosexuals, "only that ‘the Church must accept, the Church must..., must..., must..."

Francis “always appears with these people” as if homosexual sins were a legitimate expression of human nature.

Picture: Gerhard Müller, RomeLifeForum © LifeSiteNews.com,

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